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الصفحة الرئيسية » موظفونا » نبذة عن العميل : LORGEOUX Arnaud


الجنسية :

مرات 25.499 هذه الصفحة شوهدت

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Thomas Kشهادة من قبل

« A very very big thank you to Arnaud Lorgeaux!!! What would we have done without hin??? From the first contact on he was always very polite, prompt in answering any question and responding on calls and emails and 100 % reliable. He accompanied us in a perfect way to the final buy. Especially very helpful his perfect English witch helped solving problems around the buy because of our poor French. A big recommendation for Arnauld. He is doing a really great job! »

Joe Gشهادة من قبل

« Our Agent Arnaud Lorgeoux is of great help and is going out of his way to take a lot of personal time to explain everything, support us in the organization of all matters and to just make us feel welcome and comfortable. Excellent service »

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لديك الحق بأي وقت بالدخول, تعديل, تصحيح أو الغاء بياناتك (بند 34 من قانون حرية المعلومات بتاريخ 6 يناير 1978) (حماية المعلومات) يمكنك تعديل المعلومات بالدخول الى منطقة العميل الخاصة بك, لن يتم إعطاء معلوماتك الشخصية لأي شركة كطرف ثالث تحت أي ظرف
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